Friday, September 5, 2014

Chemo Date #2: Chocolate Makes Everything Better

Yesterday was my second chemo treatment and this time, my cute little mom joined me.  I can’t believe I’m actually writing this, but, other than having to be hooked up to a pump, the day was a blast.

Since my chemo appointment wasn’t until 5 pm, I spent the first half of the day doing work and meeting with a client for my PR business.  Around 2, my mom and I drove up to Lake Forest Park with the kids to drop them off with my in-laws.  While we were up there, we stopped by Honey Bear Bakery for dinner to go and I surprised my mom with a visit to The Chocolate Man.  To say my mom is a fan of chocolate is a tragic understatement.  Let me try to convey just how much my mom loves chocolate:
  • She has admitted (with pride!) that she eats dessert about three times a day.
  • She likes to argue that things like chocolate chip cookies and cake are good for you because they have eggs in them.
  • She worked in a chocolate shop for about 10 years (?), sometimes so much more beyond what she was getting paid for that she was practically a volunteer.
  • When my mom and I went to Paris several years ago, we spent the entire trip seeking out world renowned chocolate shops, which deliciously led us to remote neighborhoods and sometimes dark alleys.  So worth it.

Needless to say, the surprise visit to The Chocolate Man nearly made her pass out.  This store is heaven: tons of different chocolate confections, bulk chocolate from all over the world, fresh truffles…she immediately dove into the samples and had I not whipped out my Cancer Card, I don’t know if I would have ever gotten her out of there.  I love her so much.

We headed to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and arrived early.  I checked in for my blood draw and was immediately taken back to have my port accessed.  Turns out that 5 pm is a fabulous time to go for chemo – no waiting!  After my blood draw, we headed up to the fifth floor, checked in, and then enjoyed our scrumptious Honey Bear Bakery sandwiches while overlooking Lake Union.  It was such a pretty day and the air was electric with Seahawks fervor.  (Go Hawks!)

They called me into my chemo appointment early and everything went smooth as silk.  Ironically, one of the nurses happened to be the daughter of the owner of the chocolate shop my mom worked for!  We knew the family well since all of the daughters worked at the shop at one time or another.  A total sweetheart, she hung out in my room for a while to catch up and regale us with stories of her family.

I finished my appointment early – about 8:30 instead of 9:00 pm – which meant we were able to scoot out ahead of game traffic.  I’m doing okay today.  Had trouble sleeping despite taking an Ambien and I have broken out in a rash from my neck down to my toes.  Other than that, I’m feeling pretty spunky.  I’m very grateful to my mom for being such a wonderful support, and to my in-laws for caring for my kiddos overnight.  Overall, a great day.  The truffles were mind-blowing and the company even sweeter.

Next chemo appointment is Thursday and my date is my dance student and friend, Michele, possibly along with another student and friend, Sarah.  Sounds crazy to say it, but I’m looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. You two are so cute!! Such beautiful ladies! The Chocolate Man sounds awesome. I have to check it out!
    P.s. I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
