Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chemo Date #3: Happy Bellies

I’m a little late in posting my report on Chemo Date #3 because, while the day of chemo was actually very nice, the days after were not so great.  I came down with The Worst Cold in the History of Colds and was laid out flat all weekend.  My head and throat were so full of sludge that I could barely breathe and I was so tired and achy that it was impossible to get out of bed. While chemo might not have been the direct cause, my hunch is that it doesn’t exactly help. 

My poor husband had to manage the kids all weekend and try to tend to me at the same time. It’s becoming clear to us that he will not be able to be my Florence Nightingale, though he would look cute in a mid-nineteenth century bonnet.  His primary job while we fight cancer is being Dad.  Particularly because we’ve got a three-year-old who is a hot mess right now because he’s worried about his mom.  We’re doing our best to talk with him and give him lots of extra love, but, well, he’s three.

Fortunately, time and rest are amazing medicine and it is now Tuesday.  I’m finally coming back to life, and I have lots of GOOD news to share:

1. Genetic testing came back and indicated I do not have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer.  This is helpful news as my doctors and I decide whether or not to keep a breast when surgery time comes along.
2. Tomorrow I'll get an MRI and biopsy that will help us see what kind of progress we’re making.  I’m feeling very positive about it because of the best news…
3. I can’t find the tumors anymore.  Seriously!  I had two nearly golfball-sized tumors in my left breast and they aren’t there anymore!  The tissue still feels a tiny bit odd, but not like it did before we started treatment. That’s only after three rounds of chemo.  They work miracles over there at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance! Not to mention all of the love and prayers.  It's working!

And despite walking pneumonia, then a head-to-toe rash, then the Evil Cold, it certainly hasn’t been all bad.  Last week’s chemo date was really fun.  

My friend and dance student, Sarah, picked me up around noon and took me to SCCA. As usual, I started with a blood draw and had an enthusiastic nurse who reached out and touched my crab tattoo before she realized that might not be appropriate.  I, of course, said, “Get your filthy hands off of me” and then punched her.  She had it coming.  Okay, that’s not true at all.  We laughed and I gave her the formal introduction to Hildegard, my Dungeness Protectress.

Sarah and I grabbed lunch in the bistro which has pretty decent food for a hospital.  We then headed to the 5th floor to check in.  Unfortunately I was assigned to one of the lame bays.  Since this was only my third time there, I didn’t realize there were nice bays and lame ones, and I’m not sure I have much control over where I end up.  (Can I generously tip for a better bay?  Form an alliance with the bay assigner? I might be a little too addicted to Boardwalk Empire.) This one was tiny and cramped with curtains on three sides so there was very little privacy.  My other friend and dance student, Michele, joined us.  We huddled in my tiny room and tried to watch a little of the Liz Taylor Cleopatra but in the end, it was much more fun to talk.  About belly dancing.  And costuming.  And life in general.  And then more belly dancing.  I was in heaven.

Afterward, we took a walk and then hit happy hour at A Terrible Beauty across the street.  The evening was gorgeous and it was wonderful to sit alongside Lake Union in the sun.  No alcohol for me since my liver is already taking a beating with the chemo, but the appetizers were delicious.  Sarah also sent me off with beautiful vegetables from her garden. My students are so good to me.  I don’t know what I did to deserve such amazing people in my life.  Thank you Sarah and Michele for being there for me!  Big shimmies and hugs to you!

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